The NAACP works to ensure that all disadvantaged students and students of color are on the path to college or a successful career by ensuring access to great teaching, equitable resources, and a challenging curriculum. We are dedicated to eliminating the severe racial inequities that continue to plague our education system. Our ultimate goal is that every student of color receives a quality public education that prepares him or her to be a contributing member of a democracy.
For more information about
NAACP Dallas visit us at:
Education Committee
Mission and goals
Create innovative Outreach programs that engage youth in community and activities that align with NAACP mission.
Sustain and develop partnerships with community and business stakeholders. Recruit educational change agents who work to eliminate racial disparities.
Become a well informed committee of current issues that impact marginalized student achievement.
Actively remain informed of both state and national education research and local policy changes.
Establish, expand and maintain scholarship programming that will increase donors and funding for yearly scholarship cycles.

Each year, the Dallas NAACP in partnership with SSC Services for Education will award (4 ) four $2500.00 scholarships to top young scholars in the Dallas community. In alignment with the SSC Services for Education requirements, the Dallas NAACP Scholarship Committee will award with priority the following scholarship funds:
One of the scholarships will be awarded to a student who will attend Prairie View A&M University.
One of the scholarships will be awarded to a student graduating from DeSoto High School.
Two open scholarships will be awarded to students meeting the general scholarship requirements.
Scholarship Qualifications:
We invite any Dallas County resident who are 2022 high school graduates and interested in being considered for this scholarship to apply. The scholarships are awarded to qualified applicants based on the following criteria:
A graduating high school student of color who will attend a four-year college or university
Minimum GPA of 2.5
Involvement in High school extracurricular activities / service
Involved in impactful and community service
Our Latest Be Informed: How Are The Children